Home » 2015 » October » 9 » Financial Expansion Seminar by Meir Ezra
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Financial Expansion Seminar by Meir Ezra

While finance is a very important subject, it is a simple subject; and yet most people seem to have a lot of problems with controlling or handling money.

This seminar will teach you the exact technology of controlling your finances - and therefore the result will be financial success.

By learning the rules to viability and prosperity, you will become the cause, and no longer the effect, over your personal and business finances.

Finance has a very exact set of SIMPLE rules that, if followed, you simply can not fail. If you ever failed financially, you violated these rules. And they are so simple!

Learn these rules and follow them and you cannot fail!

Furthermore, this seminar will teach you the truth about wealth; what the most successful entrepreneurs in the world do so as to continually expand; how to be able to buy anything you want; how to control expenditure; how to increase income; how to ensure you and your company never spend more than you make; and how exactly to “make it before you spend it”.

This and much more will be taught in the Financial Expansion seminar.

You need this seminar if:

• You are worried about money.

• You don’t have as much money as you’d like.

• You owe more than you make.

• Money just seems to be something you need to work hard for.

• You lost money and don’t seem to be able to recover.

• And if you have any financial struggle of any kind whatsoever… We will fix it – guaranteed!

Category: Business | Views: 168 | Added by: mikihtaus | Tags: Meir Ezra | Rating: 0.0/0
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